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First Chapter Fridays
Listen to FZE library staff or teachers read the first chapter of each week's contenders. Access the recordings below. Winners are highlighted!
Bracket 1: Stamped vs. Pet
Bracket 2: Patron Saints of Nothing vs. We Hunt the Flame
Bracket 3: Watch Us Rise vs. Rayne and Delilah's Midnite Matinee
Bracket 4: We Are Not From Here vs. Two Can Keep a Secret
Bracket 5: The Speed of Falling Objects vs. Revelation Poppet Cycle
Bracket 6: Lovely War vs. The Downstairs Girl
Bracket 7: Spin vs. Shout
Bracket 8: Opposite of Always vs. Black Enough
Final Bracket
Which book did you connect with more based on the first chapter? Vote for your favorite. The winner will advance in the bracket. Vote HERE!

Read the Books
Visit Sora or Destiny Discover to to read the books!
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